Giving back to the community is important, despite our personal hardships. When possible, 10% of Under the Same Suns profits will go to a local charity at each craft fair attended. What does 'when possible' mean? Well, when my entrance fee is covered, I'll start adding it up. Sadly, that hasn't happened yet.
Boonsboro Green Fest
A $50 donation has been made to the Boonsboro Recycling Task Force for the upcoming greenfest.
Under the Same Sun is a Bronze Leaf sponsor of this event.
Catonsville Arts and Crafts Festival
10% of the profits for this show will go to the UMBC department of Emergency Health Services.
Future charities to be announced.
Boonsboro Green Fest
A $50 donation has been made to the Boonsboro Recycling Task Force for the upcoming greenfest.
Under the Same Sun is a Bronze Leaf sponsor of this event.
Catonsville Arts and Crafts Festival
10% of the profits for this show will go to the UMBC department of Emergency Health Services.
Future charities to be announced.